Main Street USA is unlike the other lands in the parks in that it is not meant to be a time killing adventure in the jungle, in fantasy, in space, etc. Main Street USA is not meant to have lots of attractions, unless one were to count a penny arcade, a theater, or slow horse/automobile travel as an attraction. Main Street USA is still a sight to see though and certainly should be given its due in terms of completing the proper stay at the Magic Kingdom. After all, Main Street USA has the best shopping, and some of the best dining, in the park and has the largest concentration of it. The most significant role though of Main Street USA is as a red carpet to the park itself, a welcoming and homespun feeling to get the guest ready for the adventure that awaits. Main Street USA though is not without its necessary additions and there is of course room for improvement. That being said, here is what works, and what needs work at Main Street USA.
Currently Main Street has many shops including the famed Emporium (the largest shop in the Magic Kingdom). There are also several restaurants including
- Tony's Town Square restaurant
- Crystal Palace
- Casey's Corner
- Main Street Bakery
- Plaza Ice Cream Parlor
- Plaza restaurant
These restaurants/stands are pretty good, but can be better. Let's be honest, of these, Crystal Palace is the best, but it still lacks in quality sometimes.
The Plaza and Tony's Town square struggle in terms of taste and food quality as well. These restaurants are not ideal destinations for your stomach.
What Main Street needs is
1) a revamped slate of restaurants. Get new chefs in charge of Tony's town square and Plaza.
2) Improve the food at Crystal palace so that it alleviates some of the rush to Be our Guest. They can do this through
more character dining with Winnie the Pooh and other characters not often being used. However, get rid of the buffet aspect! Make it true table service
3) A true hotdog stand should be in Main street (with TOP quality dogs). The hot dog and Main Street just fit each other well.
4) some new shops selling UNIQUE items. Emporium is a great store, but it takes the fun away if you can buy everything there. Unique stores that sell valuable goods can be great. How about a Disney gallery store here? A rare Disney music store (they used to have one after all at Disneyland), and more general goods (Magic Kingdom merchandise, etc.) By doing this here, it will enable the shops in the separate lands to focus on more land specific merchandise.
5) A huge coffee shop out front with top quality coffee (not starbucks, it must be themed properly)
6) A view of the Grand Floridian from a small area could also be a great sight and would fit the theme well
7) A better way to shepherd and separate people when parades are coming up so that people can still walkthrough (perhaps a back way to adventure or tomorrowland)
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